Monday, June 21, 2010

9 hours, 32 minutes.

That's how much daylight we get today - on the winter solstice. It's actually only one of a few days of very similar length (i.e. within a minute of each other). Sunrise is at 07h34, sunset at 17h06.
For comparison, Brisbane gets 10 hours, 24 minutes of daylight today.
Just as well we're not in Invercargill - they only get 8 hours, 40 minutes of daylight today!


  1.'s nice to know the actual hours we are in daylight:) did u find it out? it would be great if i could monitor the the length of daylight everyday over a year...

  2. Mmm... I didn't post a link to my source for this one! For the lucky few cities in NZ that are listed here:
    Extrapolating those times for other cities is generally close enough. The one I actually used is from the US Navy: you enter the coordinates for a place, and it tells you sunrise and sunset times:
    Enjoy! :)
