Monday, September 13, 2010

Rainfall variability...

I know, I'm back to the weather. That's life.
Hamilton, in general, is pretty much guaranteed to have a wet winter - that's just the way it is. Rainfall really is quite reliable here: between 1990 and 2010, the lowest monthly rainfall in June was 86mm in 2005, the highest 222mm this year. In other words, June will always be wet. You can register with NIWA if you're really keen!

Brisbane on the other hand, as with most of Australia, tends to have rather variable rainfall year to year. In just the last 10 years, the total rainfall in June has varied between 6mm this year to 121mm in 2008. Interestingly though, Brisbane's total rainfall tends to roughly even out - the lowest annual rainfall in the last 10 years was 652mm in 2007, the highest 1240mm in 2008, which isn't an extreme variation like the monthly totals can be. Numbers from BOM

1 comment:

  1. Actually, if you really want variability, try Hinze Dam on the Gold Coast: in June 1982, they got 1.5mm of rain. In June 1983, they got 309mm! But again, annually there's nowhere near that sort of variability.
